◼︎ Traditional Thai Massage:
60 minutes: 680 Dkk
90 minutes: 900 Dkk
◼︎ Corporate Massage:
60 minutes: 680 Dkk
90 minutes: 900 Dkk
◼︎ Mouse/Tennis-Albow Massage
30 minutes: 400 Dkk
◼︎ Aroma-Oil Massage:
60 minutes: 680 Dkk
90 minutes: 900 Dkk
◼︎ Back and Neck Massage:
30 minutes: 400 Dkk
45 minutes: 550 Dkk
◼︎ Couple Massage:
60 minutes: 1.200 Dkk
Please note that at some times of the day, depending on staff availability, we only offer Couple Massage to one person at a time, (60+60 min). The total price for the treatment is always DKK 1.200.
◼︎ Clip Card:
10x60 minutes: 5.700 Dkk
You save more than 15%
◼︎ Gift card:
Delight the one you love with an elegant gift card.
Call 53 89 42 89 or write to us at info@SabayJai.dk and we will send the card to you or to the recipient by post. You are also welcome to pick up the card from us at Holbergsgade 15 in Copenhagen.

Holbergsgade 15
1057 København K
Book by phone, via SMS or WhatsApp on +45 53 89 42 89 or Book Online.
Open from 10:00 to 20:00 every day.
Where it is best.
SabayJai points out that we only perform professional massage, and no forms of intimate massage.
SabayJai • CVR 45207846
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